Friday, April 9, 2010

April offerings

Well, here are my latest offerings (March and April). I'm afraid they are starting to look a bit the same. Everyone else's are beautiful, inventive, different and exciting. In my defence, however, I am going to bind them into a book - one art piece - so uniformity is required!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about sameness - you are right- in the context of a book they will look fabulous!... as they are

jgr said...

Oh I think your letters are wonderful! I'm sure the book will be a great piece, too!

Callie said...

J'aime beaucoup les effets de superposition.
- - - - -
I love the effects of superposition.

Fiona Dempster said...

Hi Meg
There still seems to be a lot of interest and points of difference in the works even tho they follow the same theme...I like looking at each piece individually and following the lines...

Barry said...

M I agree with Callie - I love the sense of being there and not there with the superimposed lettering. B

CJ Kennedy said...

Very handsome and will make a great alphabet book