Sunday, February 28, 2010

Making marks on metal for February

I have been hammering away and putting marks on metal creating my four letters for the month of February. I have given fuller descriptions of each of the letters as I have gone along so won’t bore you all by repeating details here.

As you can see I am sticking to my foldforming and stamping. Because E, F and H are straight line only letters they are created by folfldforming; whereas curvy G required the stamped approach. Whilst 22 letters of the alphabet include straight lines, 15 have only straight lines. So there are going to be 15 foldformed letters and 11 others.
The ALaW challenge is giving me the opportunity to develop foldforming skills – but as you would read in my post for the H it is just as easy to tear brass sheeting as it is paper - if one is a bit heavy handed that is.


Kim Schoenberger said...

coming along nicely B...makes me want to play with some brass

Mieke van Sambeeck said...

Loooking good can't wait to see them properly.