Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Four Letters

I gave myself a few rules: 
1) I must work only with my left hand (I am right-handed). This will force me to 'loosen up' and some of the lines will be perhaps wavy and 'out of register'.
2) I must stay with my first attempt at a letter, if it turns out badly, I must rework it-no starting over. Again, the goal is to be more spontaneous.

Week two: A little more bold, with some dark lines that happened by accident and I left them. So far, I'm working on Strathmore 400 dry media sketch pages, my primary tool is markers and pens, no pencil because there is no erasing allowed. I'm adding a graphic element to each one: small squares, doodles or the color bars.
Week three: Perhaps I'm beginning to relax a bit. I like the bright color on this one. 
Week four: I'm feeling more comfortable with using my left hand.
Thank you for viewing. -JGR


Pam's pens, papers & stuff said...

What a challenge you have set for yourself. You certainly have great control with your left hand.

Gemma Black said...

Way to go Jane! x gb

Noela Mills said...

Very brave to use your 'wrong' hand, Jane. well done

Noela Mills said...

Very brave to use your 'wrong' hand, Jane. well done